We love 'hard-to-fill' roles and specialise in 'rare skill-sets', covering technical, service, product and professional industries. We excel in assisting engineering, professional services, technical, consultancies and entrepreneurial companies.
The 25% pool contains the people looking for their next move. The 75% pool includes people who aren’t proactively looking for a new position (yet)! It requires a compelling proposition to engage and hook from both pools, not a sales pitch.
Your circumstances are unique. Your roles are unique. Your brand is unique. When you have a business-critical role / key hire, it needs professional, focused attention, rather than generic job adverts or multiple amateur/sales-led recruitment agencies.
With the right people in the right seats, united by purpose and beliefs, your business will be unstoppable.
Tailored solutions for key hires at local, regional and international businesses.
Quality service and lasting success, with a 12-month free replacement service.