It’s Tender time. It’s the company you love working for. It’s the purpose that inspires you. It’s the next step in your business’s growth and success.
Under it all is that fire in the belly – the ‘why’ that motivates you, your staff, your business culture, and your brand. Recruitment Tenders should be exciting…
“What are your specialisms?”
“How many placements did you make last year?”
“What is your turnover?”
“Where are you based?”
“What are your percentages…?”
“Give me a case study…”
Blah, blah, blah…!
By the time it comes to Tender, from a recruitment perspective, your previous suppliers weren’t successful.
So, if we ticked the same boxes, by answering the same questions, we’ll win your Tender based on an unsuccessful criterion.
Only changing the questions will change the results.
The elephant in the room? When recruitment is reduced to a dull-as-dishwater data-driven function, it’s corporate hoopla. Maybe things should change, but people feel in control with familiar steps and instructions. It’s safe. It’s how it’s always been done.
That’s the danger of process. Rules trump outcomes. Success is ticking the list, not the big picture. In the short term, it’s controlled and formulaic; in the long term, it’s a blocker on a growth mindset, disrupting, and beating competitors.
Put yourself in our shoes (blue suede, optional). Would you want to answer the same old questions ordained by a model that, in many cases, has already failed? We don’t. If we did, we wouldn’t be providing a solution; we’d be reinforcing the problem.